Best B.Tech Branches in Engineering - Upsurge in Brances of Engineering - Geeta University

The number of engineering branches has upsurge in this growing and demanding era. There are number of new branches of engineering being introduced that students are perplexed about which one to select! But what about the Best B.Tech Branches in Engineering? The standard of engineering graduates who pass out each year has also decreased considerably. This is due to the amplified number of private engineering university and increased number of seats. 

Nowadays, just having an Engineering degree doesn’t guarantee you a good career prospects! Many of the IT graduates are still unemployed. They are forced to take up low remuneration jobs. Why does this happen? It is because they selected the wrong University and the wrong course. Yes, selecting the wrong Engineering course can land you in serious trouble. Now, if you have a degree in IT Engineering from a reputed University, you may easily bag a good job. So, it becomes necessary to choose the best engineering branch if you can’t make it to a premier University. This list is all about the top 5 Engineering branches available in India. If you want guaranteed job after graduation, then you must make sure that the course which you select is among the top and the best ones.

Here is the Best B.Tech Branches in Engineering. Go through the list:


Electrical engineering is one of the newer branches of engineering. This branch is one of the ‘Core Branches’ of Engineering. The course is tough and requires hard-work to score good marks. It is the branch of engineering that deals with the technology of electricity. Electrical engineers work on a wide range of components, devices and systems. A new course based on Electrical Engineering has been introduced now. It is called Electrical and Electronics Engineering. It is also a good course.


Mechanical engineers create and develop mechanical systems for all of humankind. Mechanical engineers are essential by almost all the industries. So, the job scenario after graduation is superb and thus this branch is also an ‘evergreen branch’.


It is also considered as a best branch of Engineering. Job projection after graduation is outstanding. Jobs are available in both private sector and government sector. Civil Engineering covers many vast topics such as Engineering Mathematics, Physics, Town & City Planning, Geo technical Engineering, Structural Engineering and Environmental Engineering.


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